Hej igen!
What do you say about this proposal:
Meet me in Akademirommet on May 8-9 (I believe it was) to create a wor(l)d together inside the space - You, Me and Any Other Qualified Bitch,
Landing on the alien terrain and creating our first camp. It's a borrowed piece of land, and we are refuges or maybe travellers Creating together some kind of sketch/prototype/scene
Unleash (?) CrEAtiviTY.
Eat PICNICS in magical forests
Share stories
Iterate ideas
Have a party
Strive to create a space where CONTACT is possible
Or where we give up striving and simply be
Having picnic
Fallande poddar genom atmosfären. Med varsitt lastat bagage fyllt av det vi tyckte var viktigast möts vi i en landningsceremoni. Därefter börjar vi kanske bygga?
May 8-9
PUBLIC EVENT @ Akademirommet, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo
Varmt välkommen! Welcome! Velkommen! Wilkommen!